Wordish movie
Wordish movie

wordish movie

Too many on the boil and another arrived today that I really want to read again. Possibly one of my favourite short story writers, though that I think may require another post.

  • R is for Rocket/S is for Science by Ray Bradbury – a master of the short story.
  • The ideas are good, character development not so fab, Chinese perspective is outside my usual experience.
  • The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu – this is the second book in the Remembrance of Earth’s Past series.
  • Masters of Science Fiction: Kate Wilhelm – a double volume collection from Centipede Press of short stories by Kate Wilhelm.
  • The Sandman Book II by Neil Gaiman – I am re-reading my beautiful deluxe compendium editions of the Sandman chronicles.
  • This book is fab and I am halfway through, my partner loaned me the physical book though I later bought the e version so I could turn off the bedside light.
  • Walking Home by Simon Armitage – a poet describes his experiences walking the Pennine Way going in the opposite direction to everybody else.
  • Embassytown by China Miéville – another Subterranean Press edition underway pre lockdown.
  • Use of Weapons by Ian M Banks – this is a Subterranean Press edition that arrived prior to lockdown and was underway, yet I haven’t quite got back to it.
  • This was supposed to be simply, a list of books I have on the go, so here is that list: No echoes of 1984…yet.Īs is not uncommon, I have digressed somewhat from the post I started to write. I work for the benefit of NSW and to support the information needs of NSW folk. When I re-read that bit about the “State”, I need to say I am referring to the State of New South Wales, and not a state of mind and not the “state” as some sort of governmental control. I am amused by the idea, once again, of being able to do my job from wherever I am, independent of the building I work for. I have been here before, when I was working vendor-side.


    Playing a game seems to invigorate mentally in a way that watching a movie or tv does not.

    wordish movie

    I spend an hour or so on the playstation and my focus returns and I do a chunk more work. Of late, I’m finding around 4-5, my attention slows and disappears. I’ve always had lunch closer to 2 than 1…but now it’s usually post 2. Up in time to start work at 10, an hour’s commute replaced by an extra, luxurious hour in bed. I seem to work well though my work day is changing. Snore too well for the rest of the house I suspect. I switch off the light and go straight into a sound sleep. I lie in bed at night and play wordish games on my phone but struggle to pick up a book, print or digital. I have several books underway, some even predate lockdown. I struggle to read anything of substance. Realistically, life should be approaching normal. I live in a city where new covid cases are in single figures per day. Stepping outside those routines is increasingly uncomfortable. I feel my world closing down to a few routines. Working from home when I can’t go anywhere far is a little challenging. It’s sort of curious that I can work from home easily when I know I can go anywhere at the drop of a hat – “have passport, will travel” was my catchphrase. I like working from home but I don’t think the restriction of lockdown is working well for me. My reading has not been fab in recent months.

    Wordish movie